Tech Scaling - Companies collaboration

TechScaling - Service provided by d.labs to other technology companies in pure collaboration mode.
Not being ready for millions users at time or having tech debt after the MVP stage - not condemnation. Let’s find the right way to handle this together!
Our tech scaling department will work with your team back to back to find the most optimal solution for process, architecture, technology stack migration and development department restructure which suits best for your business. We are not just an external agency, we will share all our knowledge with your team including code contribution, workshops and mentorship. Your development department will be able to continue without our external help at the end of collaboration.
Our company is not interested in building internal products but willing to help others - that allows us to concentrate on the latest, stable and various technical stacks and constantly polish our development processes and improve technical knowledge. We do not touch the business processes of our customers which allows us to achieve the most efficient collaboration with the client’s company, everyone keeps focus on what they are best at. D.labs development teams are fully autonomous and capable of building products from zero or continue working with existing sources. For the TechScaling collaboration we delegate the most senior developers and leads to help our partners to solve their challenges.