
I was doing hobby project, nothing special, server with authentication few endpoints and connection to database. I wrapped this project in docker to distribute project to another developer, he wanted to help with fronted but not that fluent at the backend part. Then I realized that my friend does not want to struggle with database setup and so on. So, solution was straight forward - docker-compose.


I prefer using .env instead of typing stuff to cli. I found out really elegant solution. You can still use .env and parse it easily with, specify default values or even load file (certificates etc). But in docker-compose you need to specify same ports for database for example. Here comes, if you provide environment variables via dockerfile or docker-compose it will override constants in your .env.


package config

import (


type Config struct {
	Env        string `env:"ENVIRONMENT" envDefault:"dev"`
	ServerPort string `env:"SERVER_PORT" envDefault:"8080"`

	DbHost     string `env:"DB_HOST"`
	DbPort     string `env:"DB_PORT"`
	DbUser     string `env:"DB_USER"`
	DbPassword string `env:"DB_PASSWORD"`
	DbDialect  string `env:"DB_DIALECT" envDefault:"sqlite3"`

func ParseEnv() *Config {
	if err := godotenv.Load(); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")

	var cfg Config
	if err := env.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error parsing .env file")

	return &cfg

Not sure if it will be useful to anyone, but i decided to share it.

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