

Basic Building Blocks My blog and GitHub slightly empty in the past few months. I started spending less time on coding itself. I guess this happened to me naturally. I was a software engineer for the past five years and I was building amazing things in good teams and companies. I started to feel that I would like to help other people more than being focus on personal success. That’s why I started spending much more of my spare time on our family project which is called basicbb - Basic Building Blocks.
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Flexible Env in Go V2

Flexible Env in Go V2
lalabuy948/genvutils Motivation As you probably saw my founding of two nice libraries that allow you beauty and easy abstraction on dot and just environment variables. You can check it there After some time I decided to create another open-source library for the world and I merged the functionality of packages which you can find in the article above. I started from scratch and you are more than welcome to have look on it on my GitHub -> github.
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r/mk Due to quarantine, I had to set up my first home office. I never had anything at home except a laptop, because I can work anywhere, like in the office, cafe, park but not at ducking home. I have no idea how people can concentrate and don’t open the fridge every five minutes… So, I had to suffer… And I decided to adapt my small cabinet to trick my brain that I’m sitting in the office.
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Redis Cluster in Docker Compose

Redis Cluster in Docker Compose

x: Why would you do this?

y: Because one not enough?

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Hashicorp Vault as Environment Manager

Hashicorp Vault as Environment Manager
How to use Hashicorp Vault as dot environment manager? I decided to share this because I was looking for small, simple and easy to use tool where I would store dotenv secrets for my apps. And I found this nice and elegant solution which will allow you to control your application secrets with small bash script. 🙂 Pre Requirements Installed vault Finish setup instructions You can find nicely described steps here: Getting started
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